Tuesday, April 8, 2008

thou shall not covet thy friend's blog

There are a number of reasons for me starting this new blog:
1. Sense my freshman year in college I have used xanga for my ramblings, venting, reviewing and other forms of literary expression. But xanga was getting annoying with all of it's advertisements (a sure sign they're no longer popular) and feeble attempts to be facebook. It wasn't just about the writing and commenting any more, it was about something else. And personally, I was tired of striving for comments. Posts were not about thereputic release, or artistic expression simply for the joy of posting; they were about, what kind of reaction can I get from what I'm saying. As an actor, and because I'm just that kind of person, I strive for comments every day of my life. I'm deciding I need to find avenues that allow me to express but don't allow me to expect something in return.

2. I love to write. Not like my fiancee loves to write, as she would like to make a career out of it (because she's amazing!). But I do enjoy it. I love putting my thoughts into words in a post such as this, I love writing scenes for plays/movies that may or may not actually end up in one, I love ripping apart performances of people who are far more talented than I'll ever be, and so on. I love to write but I'm not doing as much as I need to. I need to write because I sit in an office fourty hours a week and I don't get much of a chance for artistic expression. If there's one thing I've learned since graduation last May, an entire YEAR of not being on stage will drive you crazy, especially when you were once non stop for four years. Until I start my MFA I simply need to express in whatever way possible to keep my sanity.

3. I'm very borred (easily destracted) at work right now.

4. Barny on "How I Met Your Mother" talks about his blog all the time and its funny. I want to be able to say, "I'm going to write about that in my blog!"

5. I was jealous of my friend Josh's blog (The Josh Ansley Chronicles). I've always enjoyed the fact that he can with confidence and good verbage reflect on the day, a movie, a moment and I long to do that.

6. There's a lot of stuff going on in my life and family that I would like to (nay, need to) process and it will help to write it here.

7. The blog is the new artform of the 21st century. It can be whatever the hell you want it to be. I want to be a part of that. (And I needed seven reasons because Emily likes odd numbers.) :)

Thanks for reading.