Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Little Miss Sunshine Cleaning

Of all the post-oscar and pre summer blockbuster films, this was one of two, perhaps three films I actually wanted to see. The others being Gigantic with Zoe Deschanel and Monsters Vs. Aliens ("Suuuuuuuusaaaannnn...." amazing.) Really I'm just tapping my feet impatiently for X-Men Origins, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Transformers and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few. It's my second favorite movie time of the year next to November when all the Oscar contenders release their prized jewels of cinematic genius.

As an overall film this movie wont contend with any best picture nominees but Amy Adams deserves some kind of recognition, a good pat on the back at the very least. And she would not have been what she was in Sunshine Cleaning with out her sister in the film, Emily Blunt. Not many of you out there will have seen it. I don't know if it will go on wide release or not, but for those of you who have seen it, tell me the scene towards the end in the bathroom isn't some of the best raw, sappy emotion you've ever seen.

Amy Adams plays the fake smile really well. We saw an exaggerated bit of it in Miss Pettigrew lives for a day. Her ability to paste on a smile that illuminates a room. A smile that's like brightly colored duct tape over a gaping hole in the upholstery. You the audience know she's hurting, lost, furious, but the other people her character's lives haven't a clue. My professor once told me that getting your self to cry is not the most interesting thing on stage or film. But the tension that comes when you're holding back those tears with all of your might, that is fascinating. In this movie Amy's eyes seemed to be welling up with tears most of the time. The close shots on her face make you think she's about to explode, but she doesn't really. Good work Amy, you're proving to be quite the versatile actress and I expect many more amazing things from you.

Apart from Amy the other great thing about this film was Emily Blunts ability to mask her accent. Way to go!

There's much more I could say about Emily's performance in this but I think this post is boring enough. I will say this. Emily really thought through the psychology of her character. It was brilliant, deep, natural etc.

I hope my next post will have something to do with where I'm going to school in the fall...only time will tell.

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